互联网看点:Tap With Us:新型耐磨键盘戴在手上根据手指

时间:2021-06-25 03:12:16来源:


如果你曾经告诉我们一块软布包装了你的手的手指和转换他们的动作,以键盘字符,我们会看着你的各种古灵精怪的方式 - 就像你可能在这篇文章中,现在寻找。但是,如果你拥有它!轻按表带织物带是越过你的手指像一个有点难看的手套和看不见的感应器做某种魔力,转换指手势成字符和数字。

Tap With Us:新型耐磨键盘戴在手上根据手指的手势输入打字

Tap With Us:新型耐磨键盘戴在手上根据手指的手势输入打字

其基本机理看到水龙头单从每个五个手指翻译成元音,而联合水龙头产生辅音。有31个可能的手指水龙头并有可能涉及到显著的学习曲线,虽然过程是应该有承诺的99%的准确率得到回报 - 可能与自动完成和单词预测功能丰盛位来实现的。点击表带似乎开创性的,但我们怀疑最终的结果。毕竟,在手势控制小工具的智能手机和平板电脑以前的尝试(如智能环)已相当壮观失败(只是看这一点)!让我们继续我们的手指穿过的人点击系统根本不知道自己在做什么在这里。虽然我们不是很确定智能手机用户是否需要这个东西,我们可以看到VR耳机爱好者和自主穿戴式设备的业主与小屏幕如何提高自己的打字体验。任何人谁是试图在齿轮VR应用程序中输入或使用智能手表非手势启用键盘知道我们在谈论。目前在封闭测试中,点击带应该晚些时候开始销售在2016年。产品介绍(英文):http://www.tapwithus.com/Novel wearable keyboard enables typing with finger gesturesIf you ever told us about a piece of soft fabric that wraps around your hand's fingers and converts their movements to keyboard characters, we'd look at you in various sorts of weird ways just like you might be looking at this article right now. But there you have it! The Tap Strap is a strip of fabric that goes over your fingers like a somewhat unsightly glove and its invisible sensors do some kind of magic that translates finger gestures into characters and numbers.The basic mechanism sees single taps from each of your five fingers translated into vowels, while combined taps produce consonants. There are 31 possible finger taps and there's likely a significant learning curve involved, although the process is supposed to pay off with a promised 99% accuracy possibly accomplished with a hearty bit of auto-complete and word prediction functionality.Tap Strap might seem groundbreaking, but we're skeptical about the end result. After all, previous attempts at gesture control gadgets (such as smart rings) for smartphones and tablets have failed quite spectacularly (just watch this)! Let's keep our fingers crossed that the people at Tap Systems actually know what they are doing here.Although we aren't so sure whether smartphone users need this thing, we can see how VR headset enthusiasts and owners of autonomous wearables with small screens can improve their typing experience. Anyone who's tried typing in the Gear VR app or using a non-gesture enabled keyboard on a smart-watch knows what we're talking about.Currently in closed beta testing, the Tap Strap is supposed to go on sale later in 2016.
